today silly sepet is going to talk on the most common problems that women usually suffers from.BREAST CANCER OR the medical term is CA BREAST.are you actually aware of this?
kalau anda wanita,u have to be very careful and have yourself checked at home by doing breast palpations..what is breast palpations?well,u palpate your breast entirely from under the armpit untill to the nipple.u can watch the tutorials on youtube :).this is to identify any lumps or abnormalities.
what causes the cancer/tumor to occur?
-there are few possible causes that can lead to breast tumor/cancer that are genetics,hormones and unknown causes(it may varies).
for genetic cause,this is may vary from each persons family history of medical record.(if one family member suffers from CA breast,the possibilities for other family members to have CA breast are great)
in the other hand,hormones can also be the cause of CA breast,for instance,the intake of steroidal hormone and hormone replacement therapy(HRT) can be the cause of CA breast too.
moving on to the predisposing factors of CA breast are your diets(take more veggies than red meat),hormone intakes(HRT),obesity(fats and intakes of meat can cause cancer cells to be rapidly metastasis) and exposure to radiation.
the signs and symptoms:-
-firm lumps(you can detect the lumps by doing Breast self examination or breast palpations)
-change of the breast size eg:one side is bigger than the other(,but if it is from the beginning it is normal)
-nipple invertion(tenggelam)/scaly(bersisik)
-discharge oozing out(check the colour of the discharge:if it is yellowish or brownish or possible reddish in colour,immediately refer to the nearest hospitals)
-pain or swelling on your breast
*this is from my own research for case presentation(hope it helps) :)
(if you have symptoms of the above,please have yourselves checked)
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